Tenure file review process
Campus specific
The process used to review tenure files is determined by individual campuses, and therefore new faculty members need to find out what the process entails in their setting. There are some general steps that are included in tenure file reviews. The review of the tenure file is a multi-layer rigorous process. Each California State University has a process of its own. Some faculty members have initial three year appointments with "mini-reviews" in years 1 and 2, followed by a full performance review in year 3. Other faculty are given a one year appointment and each year have a performance review. Depending on the campus, one or more committees may review the tenure file either at the departmental, college or university levels. An example that is a composite of steps that might occur will illustrate some of the process.
Example of a campus with a multi-level annual review
In years 1, 3 and 5 tenure files may be reviewed at a departmental or college level. A committee of tenured faculty elected by the college review files against a set of standards outlined in the tenure documents. At the close of the review, the committee discusses the files and write up recommendations, which are forwarded to the Dean of the College. The Dean then reviews the file and the recommendations, and writes a letter. Copies of each letter then go to the individual and are placed in the individual’s personnel file. The letters are added to the tenure file for subsequent reviews. In the 2nd, 4th and 6th year the tenure file may then be peer reviewed at the university level. This committee is made up of tenured faculty from across the campus. The university committee reviews the tenure files, then makes recommendations that are written up in a letter. The letter goes along with the tenure file to the campus Provost for review. Based on the recommendations from the earlier committees and a review of the file, the Provost makes a determination for retention (years 1, 3 and 5) or tenure and promotion (year 6), writing a letter to notify the individual. Faculty have an opportunity to write a rebuttal to the letters at each step in the process, and may even clarify or provide additional documentation at that time.
Know the tenure review process at your campus
The above scenario is just one example of the process that represents a composite of what might occur, and may not represent what your campus review process entails. Look into the process right away so that you are prepared when the due dates come around. Preparing the file is a rigorous activity, and many faculty spend months preparing the documents and the personal narrative that goes with the evidence of achievement.
Example Tenure Review Processes and Timelines
Tenure Track Retention/Promotion Timetable
California State University Fullerton
This chart outlines the specific due dates for each aspect of the tenure review process.
Contract Renewal and Tenure Dossiers – Tenure Timeline
University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth
Professional Review, Promotion and Tenure
Seattle University
Memorandum on Processes for Annual Tenure Review
Missouri State University
How to Survive the Tenure Process
Surviving the Tenure Review Process: Still Not King
Griffin, Z. (April 2006). APS Observer, Vol. 19, No. 4.