Program development
Well designed programs and majors
Individual components of a major or program join together to offer a comprehensive set of experiences and understandings in a field of study. Majors and programs in which course connections are clear and purposeful are more effective, result in better student learning outcomes, and move participants smoothly towards expertise. When courses are not well articulated, overlap excessively, or leave large gaps in knowledge, students are poorly served and will likely not be well prepared to meet their personal and professional goals.
Systemic curriculum changes
While some curricular changes are minimal, others may involve major reordering of courses, or even adding or deleting some. It may also be necessary to rethink the number of units needed to obtain a degree. A comprehensive approach in which all parts of the curriculum are examined is an effective way to be sure that students have the best possible set of learning experiences to achieve the desired goal. This sort of systemic change can become quite involved, and will likely require sending proposed changes back to department, college and perhaps university level curriculum committees for further consideration. These committees of faculty members look closely at all aspects of the proposal and its rationale. Undertaking such major redevelopment of curriculum is an important service that faculty members provide.
Campus curriculum change process
Since the curriculum it offers forms the backbone of all work at a university, there are well-defined sets of policies and procedures that govern new course, course sequence, program and major offerings. Some changes are relatively small such as new course titles or descriptions, others are large such as development of new courses, programs and majors, but whatever the size there is a way to go about making the changes. New faculty members need to become familiar with the approval process. Campus websites are a great resource for procedures. It may also be helpful to serve on a department or college level curriculum committee, join a group of colleagues rethinking a course sequence, or collect data about the degree to which the existing curriculum is serving the learning needs of students.
External review of programs
Increasing demands for greater accountability within higher education have prompted institutions to more closely examine their academic programs and practices to assess their quality, access, efficiency, and impact on student learning outcomes. Efforts at the federal level along with standards set by various accreditation agencies challenge institutions to provide evidence of a continuous, systematic evaluation process for reviewing academic programs, and some assurance that results are being used to improve programs. Faculty members are asked to serve on these external review committees and travel to campuses across the country to evaluate programs using the standards. New faculty members who involve themselves in the evaluation process at their own campuses will later be ready to serve as reviewers for other campuses going through the review process.
Program Development Procedures and Policies
Academic Program Development
Academic Affairs, San Francisco State University
This is an example of a campus academic program site for a California State University campus.
New Program Approval Process
Academic Program Development, Office of Institutional Research and Academic Planning, Rutgers University
This site outlines the multi-step approval process for developing a new program at one university.
Academic Programs and Policy
California State University
This site offers a flowchart for program approval at the CSU.
Examples of New Program Development
New Majors in Video Game Design and Development Take College Competition to the Next Level
Griesemer, N. (December, 2009). San Diego
This article outlines the emergence of new majors that address game development. It contains numerous links to campuses with gaming programs.
Columbia University’s Undergraduate Major in Sustainable Development
Earth Institute Education News (March, 2010). The Earth Institute, Columbia University
This article describes the development of an interdisciplinary major through collaboration of faculty across a number of disciplines on campus.
School of Education Adds ‘Human Social Development’ as a New Major
DeBarberie, M. (March, 2009). The Miami Hurricane, Student Newspaper of the University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL
This article outlines the development of a new major by two lecturers on campus.
Program Evaluation Strategies and Outcomes
Important Characteristics in an MBA Program: Perceptions of Online MBA Students
Rydzewski, D., Eastman, J. & Bocchi, J. (2010). LABR & ITLC Conference Proceedings, Orlando, FL
This study outlines desired characteristics for an online MBA program.
Blinn College Program Review
Blinn College
This website describes a program review process that is embedded in the institution’s overall planning process.
Guide for the Evaluation of Undergraduate Academic Programs
University Faculty Senate (2001). The State University of New York
This guide is an attempt to identify the major factors that might be expected to influence the quality and scope of academic programs in order to develop questions that will elicit key information to be used in a meaningful assessment.
Faculty Curriculum Evaluation
University of Illinois at Chicago
This site describes an ongoing program evaluation process by administration, faculty, students, and professional accreditation organizations.