Student services referral

Learn what is available
Each campus has numerous centers that offer services to students, often gathered under an umbrella of “Office of Student Services.”  If the campus offers a faculty orientation, one aspect of it is usually an overview of available student services.  If not, take the opportunity to drop in on the various offices that support students and their learning.  Not knowing about a service may result in missed opportunities to locate help for your students.  For new faculty members this knowledge is of particular importance as you learn to navigate the campus and refer students when needed.

Student Service Centers
Student services are diverse and comprehensive at most campuses.  They may include academic advising, career centers, academic support and tutoring, multicultural affairs, freshmen challenges, disability services, mental health, health centers, housing, religious services, ombudsmen, crisis management, sexual orientation services, financial aid, community engagement, campus police, academic integrity, and academic records, among others.  If these services are centralized on your campus, the search may be simpler for faculty, but even if they are not, do a full campus tour and seek basic information about each center. Update your knowledge with refresher visits on a regular basis since services regularly change and improve.  Get to know key people so you can contact them for advice when a student need arises.

Know how to refer students
There are likely procedures for referring students that may be specific to your setting, so determine what they are.  Be sure to have access to all necessary forms and procedures to streamline the experience for students.  If in doubt, make a referral, since the professionals at the service centers are best qualified to determine if a student would benefit from, or is eligible for, services.  The integrity of the referral process depends upon individuals make the referrals when appropriate in order to help students, staff or faculty, or to uphold the integrity of the institution.

Available Services

Student Services
University of California Santa Cruz
This site provides links to numerous educational opportunities, minority programs, support services, and housing, among others.

California State University System
This site links to student service centers at all 23 CSU campuses, including reentry counseling, women’s center, Raza student center, LGBTRC center, Pride Center, Asian Pacific Center, American Indian Center, Cross Cultural Center, Service Learning Center, and many more.

Referral Process

Counseling Referrals
Office of Student Services (OSS), ILR School. Cornell University
This site outlines the student services offered, and how to utilize them.

Referral Guide
Psychological Services, Pasadena City College
This guide is designed to help faculty, staff and administrators enhance educational achievement of students by providing information about situations or circumstances in which professional counseling may be beneficial.

Academic Integrity Referral Process
The Center for Student Ethics & Standards, University of Vermont
Any university staff, student or faculty may report perceived violations of the Code of Academic Integrity, and the process for doing so is outlined.

Review of “At Risk:” A Simulation Training Program for College Faculty
Heeter, C. & Editor (2009). Games Development
At Risk is a simulation training program designed to address issues of mental health in students, teaching faculty to identify mental health problems and refer students to college counseling offices.

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