Committee representative or chair

Purpose of committees
The purpose of a committee is to handle complex, time consuming or numerous issues that are too cumbersome for an entire governing body to handle.  For ongoing, major issues that must be addressed typically standing committees are established.  For shorter term activities it is more common to form an ad hoc group that stops meeting when the activities are completed.  Committees complete detailed work, and present it to the larger body for approval.  Committees are efficient in that they utilize the expertise, time and commitment that individual members offer effectively.  They ensure diversity of perspective in the decision making process, and include more voices.  Minutes should be recorded for all committee meetings and be posted so that the entire community has access to the work being completed.

Role of faculty members on committees
The actual work of policy setting, decision making and approval of curriculum / programs happens at the committee level.  All faculty members should expect to serve on committees as part of their scholarly service responsibilities.  Work may include writing policy, reviewing proposals, coming to consensus about difficult issues, taking minutes, presenting recommendations to the larger body and many other sorts of activities.  Each committee has unique expectations and activities.  Some do most of their work at a particular time of year, such as an award committee that has to review files in a short time frame.  Others are demanding throughout the year and must accomplish time sensitive work.

Strategic decisions about committee service
The strategic decisions for junior faculty members to make are which committees to serve on, when, and how many.  Some committees are very time intensive since they meet frequently or for long stretches of time, others take a tremendous amount of time outside the meeting time.  Learn about the commitment necessary before determining which committees to serve on, particularly early in your career when setting the foundation of teaching and research that is so critical to the tenure process.

Minutes are a critically important record of the work accomplished during a meeting.  Poorly taken minutes can result in confusion about what was completed, decisions made, or next steps agreed upon.  Effective minutes help make the most of a committee’s work, and lay out clear actions to be completed by the next meeting.  As important as taking accurate and complete minutes, is making them available in a consistent and public place so that all members of the community have access to them in order to track the progress of a committee.

Parliamentary procedure
Parliamentary procedure refers to the set of rules of democracy that govern most meetings.  It defines how groups of people can most effectively meet and make decisions, and defines what duties elected officers such as president, secretary, or treasurer have in the group.

Purpose of Committees

Typical Types of Board Committees
Free Management Library
This site has sections addressing committee type, how to develop committees, standing vs. ad hoc committees, and guidelines for managing meetings.

Information Aggregation in Standing and Ad Hoc Committees
Ali, S.N., Goeree, J.K., Kartik, N. & Palfrey, T.R. (January, 2008). Invited session of American Economic Association (AEA) Meeting, New Orleans.
This paper on committee decision-making outlines a framework for committee work, offers a brief history of committees, and relates it to voting theory.

Role of Faculty Members on Committees

Defining the Responsibilities, Roles, and Recognition of University College Faculty
University College Faculty, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
This site outlines all roles of faculty, and addresses their service on committees on page six.

Managing Meetings
Free Management Library
This site addresses strategies for running meetings effectively, including planning, leading, evaluating meetings, tips and advice, online meetings, and various types of groups.


Modern Minute Taking
Price, D. J., Modern Minute Taking,
This article advocates the use of a laptop to expedite quick turnaround time for minutes.

Mina’s Guide to Minute Taking: Principles, Standards and Practical Tools
Mina, E., Eli Mina Consulting, Vancouver, BC, Canada
This comprehensive guide to minute taking addresses why minutes are important, ineffective vs. effective practices, who should take minutes, and much more information.

Tips for Taking Effective Meeting Minutes
SMART Technologies website
This site offers suggestions for minute taking before, during and after a meeting.

Parliamentary Procedure

Parliamentary Procedure
National Association of Parliamentarians
This website outlines basics of parliamentary procedure such as rules, motions, and fundamental rights.  The opinions are based upon Robert’s Rules of Order, which has been recently revised.

Parliamentary Procedure: Toward the Good Order of the University
Cagle, J. A., Former parliamentarian of the Academic Senate, Professor of Communication, California State University Fresno
This website is offered as a community service, providing basic instruction in Parliamentary Procedure.  It is also a chance to ask a real Parliamentarian questions, and offers an archive of previously asked and answered questions.

Example Committee Structures

Faculty Councils and University Committees
Professional Staff Organization, University of Washington
This site lists the various councils and committees that govern the University of Washington.

Committee Structure
Academic Senate, San Francisco State University
This site outlines the Academic Senate committee structure at San Francisco State University.

Example Committee Work

Charge to Distance Learning Committee
The University Faculty, Cornell University
This site offers an overview of the work of one ad hoc committee as an example.

University Committee List
CSU Chico
This website lists various committees that the Academic Senate oversees.

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